Monday, September 12, 2011

News from the Heroes - September 12

This week is Constitution Week!

This week we will be doing mini-lessons about the Constitution, and what it means to be a citizen in America. We will study Freedom, and the proactive American Spirit that makes us a nation of innovators, helpers, and patriots!

Speaking of Proactive,

This past week we had THREE Tiger Leaders who were recognized on the announcements for their performance of the 7 habits in class. I will weekly nominate 2 to 3 students that I see exhibiting these awesome behaviors. The following students will receive another Key to Success for their keyring and will get to come to the Leadership Lunch with Ms. Heine at the end of each month. (I will let parents know the date so that if they would like to celebrate with this months leaders they can!)

This week, the following leaders were nominated:

Emilee: Putting First Things, First - Work first, then play. Emilee does a great job balancing work and play. Emily, thank you!
Ethan: Beginning with the end in mind. Ethan always has a plan when he sits down to work independently. Way to go, Ethan!
Santana: For Putting First Things First. Santana works first and then plays and visits. She is a serious leader and her work is very important to her. Wow, Santana!

Congratulations to these three students! Another difficult week to choose :)
Thanks to all the Grandparents who showed up for the Grandparents' Lunch. There is something about meeting you all that was really neat. The kids and I enjoyed it so much!

Thanks parents for your participation in sending names in for our fundraiser. I know the kids were excited to earn their ducks. Keep those other catalog orders rolling in. This fundraiser directly benefits our school and our Lighthouse Leadership Project!

Homework for the week will be sent out today. Please let me know if you have any questions. The students were told that ideally if they were being proactive and planning with the end in mind that they would could do one item a night with their nightly reading. Remember, as parents, you decide what is or is not too much for your child to complete in a given night or in a given week.

As we move into the fourth week of school, we are hoping to develop more independence in our kiddoes. I am very proud of some of the skills they have developed so far. As much as possible, we are wanting them to say goodbye to parents at the end of the hallway, so that they make that walk to class alone. This is an important step for them, and I feel that they are ready for this. I am so proud of our SuperHeroes!

New Notes:

Please do not park in the reserved parking spots in the front of the school unless you have purchased a parking pass through the Teravista Lighthouse Leadership team. We are teaching students to do the right thing even when nobody is looking. Thank you for setting a good example for all of our Teravista Students.

School Pictures are Friday. These are individual pictures, so please have your student bring in their money envelope when they can, so we can avoid delays on picture day. Also, have your child dress in bright colors. These often make the most adorable pictures.


Language Arts: Procedures for Reading and Writing Workshop; Spelling Patterns and Beginning Consonant word sorts, choosing appropriate books, how to write a reading response including the Beginning, Middle, and End or a Story Map

Math: Procedures and Expectations for Problem Solving and Independent Math Station/Game Time; Begin modelling and teaching concepts of place value, including the value of 10 and what to do once you count over 10; how to tell if a number is larger or smalled

**please continue practicing time to the hour and half hour with your child as well as counting from 1 to 100 if they are still struggling at home with these things. Know that we are pulling students in small groups as well to work with mastery of these skills

Social Studies: Citizenship and Patriotism: Constitution Week
Leader of the Week Study: Eleanor Roosevelt and Habits 1 and 6: Be Proactive and Synergize

Science: CLassifying Matter using attributes

(These may differ from class to class at times, so be sure to check your teacher's web page as well.)


  • Students need to make sure and dress comfortably for the heat. Recess is at 9:30, so it shouldn't be too hot, but they should be comfortable going outside. They may also bring a water bottle outside. Students should keep a water bottle with them at school. Please no juices or other colored liquid - they will not be allowed to consume them in class.
  • Please send a change of clothes which will be kept in your child's backpack. We all know that accidents can happen, and this will allow us to handle this situation more discreetly.
  • Students should wear P.E. ready shoes on their P.E. days. Check your teacher's website to see when P.E. days are.
  • Students may bring a healthy snack for during the school day. Each teacher will let students know when an appropriate time is to consume it. Please remember that colored liquids are not allowed, and snacks should be portable and create as few messes as possible. Students may be working on other activities while snacking and so minimizing snack messiness will be helpful.
  • Students are allowed to bring a miniature hand sanitizer (provided by their parent) and kept in their backpack to sanitize hands. This will cut down on transmission of germs and colds. Teachers usually have non-alcohol based hand sanitizer provided in the classroom.
  • Please return student take-home and reading folder daily. Please sign the daily behavior calendar and reference the behavior policy. It should give you a clear picture as to how your child is performing according to grade level behavior expectation. It is important that they learn how to transport these materials and they will be needed every day.
  • Please encourage your child to do their best in the upcoming reading testing. This will help us to best place them in a reading group to stretch-not-discourage them.
  • Homework is listed in the column to the left of this post. We will post it weekly as well as challenge homework. We will update this information weekly.

Sept. 11th: Patriot Day

Sept. 14th: Early Release - Students go home at 12:45

Sept. 15th: PTA Event

Sept. 26th-30th: Education Go Get It Week

Sept. 29th: WatchDOGS kick off, 6:30

Sept. 30th: Cookout

October 10th: Parent Conference Day - Goal Setting, Please Bring your Child

October 13th: Picture Retakes

October 20th: PTA Meeting and Music Performance

October 22nd: Fall Fair

October 24-28: red Ribbon Week

October 29th: Teravista Fun Run

October 31st: 8 AM Awards Assembly for First Grade, 1st Nine Weeks

Have a great week!

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