Possible Awards that students may earn are:
Perfect Attendance
New Tiger (These are new students to our school and they need to get started with their dog tag collection).
Math Award (can write numbers 1-100)
Reading Award (can read at least 50 sight words with fluency)
Tiger Pride (Dependable in leadership and doing the right thing even when nobody is looking)
Paw Pride (Student has shown improvement and positive attitude toward learning this nine weeks)
Star Student (Student is recognized in one of the 3 specials areas)
Leadership (Our Emcees - brave six year old souls who will be calling out the awards.....it is going to be cute, so pictures may need to be taken :)
We all look forward to seeing you there!
Report Cards
Report Cards will be coming out on Tuesday. Please remember that at this time, most students are performing adequately with some support as the level 2 indicator on the report card states. If you see a 3 or a 4 you can be sure that your child is becoming an independent learner and demonstrating mastery of concepts at a higher than expected level at this time. If your child receives a 1 in a specific descriptor, it means that the child is need of additional and more itensive support in this area. Please feel free to call, email, or meet with your child's teacher if you have questions about the report cards. They are a great tool for communication and we urge you to please contact us with questions. Your child's learning is our top priority!
November 1 - Don't forget to attend TAG parent night if you feel you would like to find out some more information about those students with high performance tendencies (they do everything you tell them and they do it weel) and those who are Gifted and Talented (show a particular interest in varied subject matter to the point that they may be obsessed about learning about that topic). To find out more, meet with our TAG teacher Tricia Smith on Tuesday night.
November 1st after school there will be a Leadership (student) Council Meeting. We are so excited about the opportunity this affords our kiddoes to develop their leadership skills as early as first grade! The meeting for classroom elected representatives will be in the K-2 Science lab and will be presided over my our new Executive Committee, voted on by the student body to lead the council. So many exciting things are happening at TVE!
Language Arts: Procedural Text: Writing and Explaining
Leader of the Week: Sacajawea and continued study of maps
Math: Addition concepts (working specifically with +1 and +2 facts) and subitizing (recognizing dot patterns such as on dice and dominoes); Problem Solving
- read the problem
- circle important numbers and info
- underline question
- ask youself: bigger or smaller answer? are you combining numbers or comparing them? (operation)
- draw a picture representation (base ten blocks, circles, actual pictures, tally marks, etc.)
- use tools to check your work (cheerios, lego blocks, any item that can be counted easily)
- explain/justify your answer by telling what you did - First, Next, Then, Finally
- Put a box around your answer and label it (ex: 13 pumpkins)
Science: Magnets and Magnetism
Dates to remember:
October 31st: 8 AM Awards Assembly for First Grade, 1st Nine Weeks
November 1st: 6:30 PM TAG information night for parents
November 1st: First Student Council Meeting After School K-2 Science Lab
November 1st: First Student Council Meeting After School K-2 Science Lab
November 11th : 8:00 AM Veteran's Day program
November 18th: PTA Meeting and Chili Cook Off and Bake Off
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break
December 6-8 Book Fair
December 7: Early Release Day
December 16: Last day of 2nd Nine Weeks
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