Our holiday party is coming up soon and sign up information is located on the blog. I will also email this out. We are having a very simple party with dancing, cookies, and a craft.
Since we have been learning about research, we will be doing a "Flat Stanley" project over the Christmas break. If you have not heard the story of Flat Stanley, then here is the gist of it http://www.flatstanley.com/. Students will write letters in class to people they would like to send a Flat Stanley to for the holidays. It is okay if he adventures with you to. We are hoping to get interesting places and adventures. We had Flat Stanley visiting monuments, Christmas Trees, marathons, etc. last year. The idea is that the person (or you) that keeps Flat Stanley will keep a record of his adventures and students will share them when they get back.
There is a great website with a form letter on it, that you can also use to fill in to give your child ideas if they choose to keep one of their Flat Stanleys to share your traditions.
The only difference is that the Flat people will represent our children (no coloring at the destination. They will color at school). This project will be due after the break. You need not do anything flashy for our Stanleys unless that is what you already do. Mine would be lounging with the pups and babysitting, maybe working out on the exercise bike,
You can even take pictures and write emails from your Stanley to the class whenever he goes somewhere special - lara_heine@roundrockisd.org, and I will add it to the blog.Reminders:
Please send a jacket with your student as weather sometimes can be unpredictable. Please also write students' name inside so that they will be easier to locate if lost. Remind students not to share coats, hats, etc.
Remind students to wash their hands, as there are many "bugs" going around.
Please remember to send a healthy snack that your child knows is designated for snack time. Students have been known to graze through the morning and then their lunchbox maybe empty at lunch time. Remind students when to eat snacks (they may bring multiple snacks). Please be sure that they are neat and all liquids are water.
Language Arts:Class Research - WorldBook Online - Customs - developing questions for parent/family reseach of customs project
Leader of the Week: Jim Henson (I have to - I saw the Muppet Movie and I didn't know if Kermit was appropriate)
Social Studies: Maps and Holiday Traditions (Please share with teacher if there is a special day you celebrate. we would love to hear about it)
Math: Begin comparing length, weight, and amount of time. Continue with addition of 1 and 2, and comparing numbers using the tens and ones place. Problem Solving strategies:
- read the problem
- circle important numbers and info
- underline question
- ask youself: bigger or smaller answer? are you combining numbers or comparing them? (operation)
- draw a picture representation (base ten blocks, circles, actual pictures, tally marks, etc.)
- use tools to check your work (cheerios, lego blocks, any item that can be counted easily)
- explain/justify your answer by telling what you did - First, Next, Then, Finally
- Put a box around your answer and label it (ex: 13 pumpkins)
Dates to remember:
December 6: Make up newspaper meeting
December 7: Early Release
December 6-8 Book Fair
December 7: Early Release Day
December 8: Newspaper Club
December 8: Book Fair open late
December 8: Newspaper Club
December 8: Book Fair open late
December 16: Last day of 2nd Nine Weeks
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